Compatibility Code

Most libraries with dependencies will want to support multiple versions of that dependency. But supporting old version is a pain: it requires compatibility code, code that is around solely to get the same output from versions of a library. This post gives some advice on writing compatibility code.

  1. Don’t write your own version parser
  2. Centralize all version parsing
  3. Use consistent version comparisons
  4. Use Python’s argument unpacking
  5. Clean up unused compatibility code

1. Don’t write your own version parser

It can be tempting just do something like

if pandas.__version__.split(".")[1] >= "25":

But that’s probably going to break, sometimes in unexpected ways. Use either distutils.version.LooseVersion or packaging.version.parse which handles all the edge cases.

PANDAS_VERSION = LooseVersion(pandas.__version__)

2. Centralize all version parsing in a file

The first section of compatibility code is typically a version check. It can be tempting to do the version-check inline with the compatibility code

if LooseVersion(pandas.__version__) >= "0.25.0":
    return pandas.concat(args, sort=False)
    return pandas.concat(args)

Rather than that, I recommend centralizing the version checks in a central file that defines constants for each library version you need compatibility code for.

# library/
import pandas

PANDAS_VERSION = LooseVersion(pandas.__version__)
PANDAS_0240 = PANDAS_VERSION >= "0.24.0
PANDAS_0250 = PANDAS_VERSION >= "0.25.0

This, combined with item 3, will make it easier to clean up your code (see below).

3. Use consistent version comparisons

Notice that I defined constants for each pandas version, PANDAS_0240, PANDAS_0250. Those mean “the installed version of pandas is at least this version”, since I used the >= comparison. You could instead define constants like

PANDAS_LT_0240 = PANDAS_VERSION < "0.24.0"

That works too, just ensure that you’re consistent.

4. Use Python’s argument unpacking

Python’s argument unpacking helps avoid code duplication when the signature of a function changes.

    param_grid = {"estimator__alpha": [0.1, 10]}
    if SK_022:
        kwargs = {}
        kwargs = {"iid": False}
    gs = sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=3, **kwargs)

Using *args, and **kwargs to pass through version-dependent arguments lets you have just a single call to the callable when the only difference is the arguments passed.

5. Clean up unused compatibility code

Actively developed libraries may eventually drop support for old versions of dependency libraries. At a minimum, this involves removing the old version from your test matrix and bumping your required version in your dependency list. But ideally you would also clean up the now-unused compatibility code. The strategies laid out here intend to make that as easy as possible.

Consider the following.

# library/
import pandas
from ._comapt import PANDAS_0250

def f(args):

    if PANDAS_0250:
        return pandas.concat(args, sort=False)
        return pandas.concat(args)

Now suppose it’s the future and we want to drop support for pandas older than 0.25.x Now all the conditions checking if PANDAS_0250 are automatically true, so we’d

  1. Delete PANDAS_0250 from
  2. Remove the import in
  3. Remove the if PANDAS_0250 check, and always have the True part of that condition
# library/
import pandas

def f(args):
    return pandas.concat(args, sort=False)

I acknowledge that indirection can harm readability. In this case I think it’s warranted for actively maintained projects. Using inline version checks, perhaps with inconsistent comparisons, will make it harder to know when code is now unused. When integrated over the lifetime of the project, I find the strategies laid out here more readable.