Organizing Papers

As a graduate student, you read a lot of journal articles… a lot. With the material in the articles being as difficult as it is, I didn’t want to worry about organizing everything as well. That’s why I wrote this script to help (I may have also been procrastinating from studying for my qualifiers). This was one of my earliest little projects, so I’m not claiming that this is the best way to do anything. ...

February 13, 2014

Using Python to tackle the CPS (Part 2)

Last time, we used Python to fetch some data from the Current Population Survey. Today, we’ll work on parsing the files we just downloaded. We downloaded two types of files last time: CPS monthly tables: a fixed-width format text file with the actual data Data Dictionaries: a text file describing the layout of the monthly tables Our goal is to parse the monthly tables. Here’s the first two lines from the unzipped January 1994 file: ...

February 4, 2014

Using Python to tackle the CPS

The Current Population Survey is an important source of data for economists. It’s modern form took shape in the 70’s and unfortunately the data format and distribution shows its age. Some centers like IPUMS have attempted to put a nicer face on accessing the data, but they haven’t done everything yet. In this series I’ll describe methods I used to fetch, parse, and analyze CPS data for my second year paper. Today I’ll describe fetching the data. Everything is available at the paper’s GitHub Repository. ...

January 27, 2014