High Performance Remote IO

I have a new post up at the NVIDIA technical blog on High-Performance Remote IO with NVIDIA KvikIO.1 This is mostly general-purpose advice on getting good performance out of cloud object stores (I guess I can’t get away from them), but has some specifics for people using NVIDIA GPUs. In the RAPIDS context, NVIDIA KvikIO is notable because It automatically chunks large requests into multiple smaller ones and makes those requests concurrently. It can read efficiently into host or device memory, especially if GPU Direct Storage is enabled. It’s fast. As part of preparing this, I got to write some C++. Not a fan! ...

February 28, 2025

Iowa's Proposed State Science Standards

My local Department of Education has a public comment period for some proposed changes to Iowa’s science education standards. If you live in Iowa, I’d encourage you to read the proposal (PDF) and share feedback through the survey. If you, like me, get frustrated with how difficult it is to see what’s changed or link to a specific piece of text, read on. I’d heard rumblings that there were some controversial changes around evolution and climate change. But rather than just believing what I read in a headline, I decided to do my own research (science in action, right?). ...

February 1, 2025

Dask Geopandas Spatial Shuffle

Over at https://github.com/opengeospatial/geoparquet/discussions/251, we’re having a nice discussion about how best to partition geoparquet files for serving over object storage. Thanks to geoparquet’s design, just being an extension of parquet, it immediately benefits from all the wisdom around how best to partition plain parquet datasets. The only additional wrinkle for geoparquet is, unsurprisingly, the geo component. It’s pretty common for users to read all the features in a small spatial area (a city, say) so optimizing for that use case is a good default. Simplifying a bit, reading small spatial subsets of a larger dataset will be fastest if all the features that are geographically close together are also “close” together in the parquet dataset, and each part of the parquet dataset only contains data that’s physically close together. That gives you the data you want in the fewest number of file reads / HTTP requests, and minimizes the amount of “wasted” reads (data that’s read, only to be immediately discarded because it’s outside your area of interest). ...

December 18, 2024

My 2024 Year in Books

Here’s another Year in Books (I missed last year, but here’s 2022). Most of these came from recommendations by friends, The Incomparable’s Book Club and (a new source), the “Books in the Box” episodes of Oxide and Friends. The Soul of a New Machine, by Tracy Kidder I technically read it in the last few days of 2023, but included here because I liked it so much. This came recommended by the Oxide and Friends podcast’s Books in the Box episode. I didn’t know a ton about the history of computing, but have been picking up an appreciation for it thanks to reading this book. It goes into a ton of detail about what it took Data General to design and release a new machine. Highly recommended to anyone interested in computing. ...

December 11, 2024

Serializing Dataclasses

This post is a bit of a tutorial on serializing and deserializing Python dataclasses. I’ve been hacking on zarr-python-v3 a bit, which uses some dataclasses to represent some metadata objects. Those objects need to be serialized to and deserialized from JSON. This is a (surprisingly?) challenging area, and there are several excellent libraries out there that you should probably use. My personal favorite is msgspec, but cattrs, pydantic, and pyserde are also options. But hopefully this can be helpful for understanding how those libraries work at a conceptual level (their exact implementations will look very different.) In zarr-python’s case, this didn’t quite warrant needing to bring in a dependency, so we rolled our own. ...

August 31, 2024


I wrote up a quick introduction to stac-geoparquet on the Cloud Native Geo blog with Kyle Barron and Chris Holmes. The key takeaway: STAC GeoParquet offers a very convenient and high-performance way to distribute large STAC collections, provided the items in that collection are pretty homogenous Check out the project at http://github.com/stac-utils/stac-geoparquet.

August 29, 2024

What's Next? (2024 edition)

I have, as they say, some personal news to share. On Monday I (along with some very talented teammates, see below if you’re hiring) was laid off from Microsoft as part of a reorganization. Like my Moving to Microsoft post, I wanted to jot down some of the things I got to work on. For those of you wondering, the Planetary Computer project does continue, just without me. Reflections It should go without saying that all of this was a team effort. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have great teammates over the years, but the team building out the Planetary Computer was especially fantastic. Just like before, this will be very self-centered and project-focused, overlooking all the other people and work that went into this. ...

August 12, 2024

My Real-World Match / Case

Ned Batchelder recently shared Real-world match/case, showing a real example of Python’s Structural Pattern Matching. These real-world examples are a great complement to the tutorial, so I’ll share mine. While working on some STAC + Kerchunk stuff, in this pull request I used the match statement to parse some nested objects: for k, v in refs.items(): match k.split("/"): case [".zgroup"]: # k = ".zgroup" item.properties["kerchunk:zgroup"] = json.loads(v) case [".zattrs"]: # k = ".zattrs" item.properties["kerchunk:zattrs"] = json.loads(v) case [variable, ".zarray"]: # k = "prcp/.zarray" if u := item.properties["cube:dimensions"].get(variable): u["kerchunk:zarray"] = json.loads(refs[k]) elif u := item.properties["cube:variables"].get(variable): u["kerchunk:zarray"] = json.loads(refs[k]) case [variable, ".zattrs"]: # k = "prcp/.zattrs" if u := item.properties["cube:dimensions"].get(variable): u["kerchunk:zattrs"] = json.loads(refs[k]) elif u := item.properties["cube:variables"].get(variable): u["kerchunk:zattrs"] = json.loads(refs[k]) case [variable, index]: # k = "prcp/0.0.0" if u := item.properties["cube:dimensions"].get(variable): u.setdefault("kerchunk:value", collections.defaultdict(dict)) u["kerchunk:value"][index] = refs[k] elif u := item.properties["cube:variables"].get(variable): u.setdefault("kerchunk:value", collections.defaultdict(dict)) u["kerchunk:value"][index] = refs[k] The for loop is iterating over a set of Kerchunk references, which are essentially the keys for a Zarr group. The keys vary a bit. They could be: ...

December 13, 2023

STAC Updates I'm Excited About

I wanted to share an update on a couple of developments in the STAC ecosystem that I’m excited about. It’s a great sign that even after 2 years after its initial release, the STAC ecosystem is still growing and improving how we can catalog, serve, and access geospatial data. STAC and Geoparquet A STAC API is a great way to query for data. But, like any API serving JSON, its throughput is limited. So in May 2022, the Planetary Computer team decided to export snapshots of our STAC database as geoparquet. Each STAC collection is exported as a Parquet dataset, where each record in the dataset is a STAC item. We pitched this as a way to do bulk queries over the data, where returning many and many pages of JSON would be slow (and expensive for our servers and database). ...

October 15, 2023

Gone Rafting

Last week, I was fortunate to attend Dave Beazley’s Rafting Trip course. The pretext of the course is to implement the Raft Consensus Algorithm. I’ll post more about Raft, and the journey of implementing, it later. But in brief, Raft is an algorithm that lets a cluster of machines work together to reliably do something. If you had a service that needed to stay up (and stay consistent), even if some of the machines in the cluster went down, then you might want to use Raft. ...

August 13, 2023